The shifting composition of transformation teams: Leveraging subject matter expertise

In our last newsletter, we published a blog discussing the evolving composition of transformation teams, highlighting the increasing shift from permanent resources to a hybrid consulting approach. If you missed it, you can read it here. This month, we’re going to focus on the value ‘experienced’ experts bring to transformation projects, programmes and services. 

We know this is often a juxtaposition for any organisation undertaking significant transformation as retaining knowledge, building an understand of the what and the why and being self-sufficient is vital (we’ll discuss knowledge transfer strategies more deeply in the next edition of Define, Design. Deliver…Discuss – spoiler alert – subscribe now). 

So, why should you use SMEs, and what additional value do they bring?

Expertise and knowledge 
SMEs possess specific experience with the pros, cons, strategies, and ways of working within transformation projects. Their expertise allows them to quickly identify and solve issues, reducing downtime and keeping projects on track. 

Innovation and Improvement 
With extensive experience, SMEs are adept at proposing innovative solutions and improvements that can drive significant positive change. Their fresh perspectives can help organizations break free from outdated methods and embrace new, more efficient ways of working. 

Risk Management 
Experienced SMEs can anticipate risks based on their past experiences, allowing them to take proactive measures to mitigate these risks. They are equipped to manage issues effectively, minimizing the impact on the program and ensuring smoother execution. 

Decision Making and Independence 
SMEs can make swift, unbiased decisions based solely on the program’s sponsorship and business case. This objectivity helps maintain focus on the project goals without being influenced by internal politics or preferences. 

Acceleration and Productivity Gains 
The reduced learning curve that comes with experienced SMEs accelerates program timelines and reduces delays. Their familiarity with tools, processes, and methodologies enables quick delivery and maximizes productivity. 

Trust and Confidence 
Having credible experts on the team can help build trust and momentum, fostering a positive outlook for success across the program team. Their reputation and proven track record can reassure stakeholders and team members alike. 

Cost Efficiency 
Transformation programs are not cheap. SMEs help avoid delays and slippages, reducing the need for rework. This saves time, effort, resources, and money, ensuring the program stays within budget. 

Quality Assurance and Best Practices 
Specialist SMEs bring meticulous attention to detail and can introduce and align best practices pragmatically. Their focus on quality ensures that the transformation is thorough and effective. 

A highly undervalued skill among transformation experts is the ability to work effectively in diverse teams. SMEs bring experience in fostering strong collaboration, purpose, togetherness, and teamwork. This is my personal favourite aspect! 

This list isn’t exhaustive, but these are typically the focal points in our discussions with clients. We see real value in blended delivery teams composed of our Associate experts and internal employees. This approach successfully embeds change and transformation, with a key metric always being adoption and experience. 

For more information on our ways of working or how Definia could help you, please reach out. We’re here to support your transformation journey.