Why change management matters: turning resistance into acceptance

We are launching a new monthly blog ‘Deconstructing Change‘ by our internal change experts, Rachael Hays and Gayle Lui, to look at all things change and transformation. In this edition, Transformation Director, Rachael, highlights why change management is all about the people. Enjoy!

If you’ve ever been part of a big change at work—like moving to a new office, switching software, or even just updating a process—you know it can be chaotic. But it needn’t be/doesn’t have to be. There is something that helps turn that chaos into a well-oiled machine: change management. Whether you’re in a business role or focused on technology, understanding change management can be a game-changer (pun intended). 

What Exactly is Change Management? Sounds boring! 

Let’s start with the basics. Change management is all about handling the people side of change. It’s a structured approach to ensuring that changes—big or small—are smoothly implemented and that they actually stick. Think of it like this: while project management focuses on the nuts and bolts (timelines, budgets, tasks), change management focuses on the humans who have to adjust to those changes. 

Why is Change Management important? 

Imagine your company decides to switch to a new CRM system, like Salesforce. Without proper change management, this can lead to confusion, resistance, and mistakes that could impact staff and customers. Here’s why change management is your best friend in both business and tech projects: 

  1. 1. Minimises Resistance
  • Engagement and Communication: Change is scary. People resist it. Change management involves keeping everyone in the loop and addressing concerns before they become big issues. 
  • Support Systems: By providing training and resources, you help people adapt more easily. 
  1. 2. Ensures Successful Implementation: 
  • Structured Approach: With a clear plan, you ensure all aspects of the change are considered. This means fewer surprises and smoother execution. 
  • Alignment with Goals: Change management helps align the change with your organisation’s goals, ensuring everyone is working towards the same objective. 
  1. 3. Reduces Costs and Risks: 
  • Anticipates Challenges: By identifying potential obstacles early, you can avoid costly disruptions. 
  • Mitigates Risks: Reducing risks associated with change means fewer headaches down the road. 
  1. 4. Improves Performance and Efficiency: 
  • Streamlined Processes: Change often aims to make things better, instead of doing what you’ve always done. Managing it well ensures those improvements actually happen. 
  • Employee Productivity: When people know what’s happening and why they’re less stressed and more productive. 

The People Side of Change 

Why is focusing on people so important? Simply put, most people don’t like change…so how can we overcome that? 

  • Communication is Key: People need to understand why the change is happening and why it is happening now. Good communication answers the what’s, why’s, and how’s. What does this change/these changes mean for them? 
  • Training and Support: Imagine switching to a new software without any training. Frustrating, right? Providing proper training and ongoing support can make a huge difference. It will make the change seem less scary and increase people’s confidence with the new processes and systems. Practice makes perfect. 
  • Feedback Loops: Listen to the people affected by the change. Their feedback can provide valuable insights, help fine-tune the implementation process and increase buy-in! 

Making Change Stick 

The last thing you want is to go through all the effort of implementing a change only for things to revert back to the old ways. Change management ensures the change sticks by embedding new behaviours and practices into the organisational culture. This might involve ongoing training, regular check-ins, and celebrating successes to reinforce the new way of doing things. 

Change is inevitable, but it doesn’t have to be painful. Whether you’re working on a business initiative or a Tech project, change management is critical. It mitigates all manner of risks related to changes and most importantly, it focuses on the people involved, making sure everyone is on board and ready to move forward. 

So, next time you’re faced with a big change at work, remember: with change management, you’ve got a blueprint for success. Let’s embrace change, manage it well, and watch our organisations thrive! 

If you would like to talk more about an upcoming project and how Definia can help you, reach out to the team today.